Indoor air quality isn't always better than outdoor air quality

Air Quality Isn’t Always Better Indoors

Air quality isn’t always better indoors. Indoor air quality can be worse than outdoor air quality for many reasons, from seasonal allergies to air pollution. Even if the building is new, it may still have poor indoor air quality due to the materials used in construction or lack of proper ventilation. Poor indoor air quality can cause a range of health problems. It’s important to understand why indoor air quality isn’t always better than outdoor air quality and what steps we can take to improve it.

Is Indoor Air Quality Better Than Outdoor Air Quality?

Many people believe that indoor air quality is always better than outdoor air quality, but this isn’t necessarily true. Indoor air quality can be worse than outdoor air quality. Air quality isn’t always better indoors. This is especially true during certain seasons when outdoor air pollution and seasonal allergies are at their peak. Air pollution can easily make its’ way indoors and stay stagnant in the air. In some cases, the indoor air can contain more pollutants than the outdoor air due to poor ventilation.

Is Low IAQ Risky?

It is important for people to be aware of the potential risks that come with poor indoor air quality. Poor indoor air can lead to a variety of health issues such as respiratory problems, headaches, fatigue and more. Therefore, it is important for people to take steps towards improving their indoor air quality if they want to stay healthy.

Is Indoor Air Quality ALWAYS Worse Than Outdoor Air Quality?

Although it may come as a surprise to many that air quality isn’t always better indoors, it’s also not always the case. There are times that you want to keep outdoor air out of your building. This is especially true during wildfires or if there are other pollutants heavily contaminating the air we breathe. Having a good air filtration system in place can help improve your indoor air quality when outdoor air quality is bad. HEPA filters help filter out smaller particles that can cause damage to our health. Air purifiers are a great way to improve the air in your home or small office space if you don’t have an HVAC system with high quality filters. If you’re looking for commercial air filters for your building, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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