Is your building healthy

Is Your Building Healthy?

We can’t ignore the fact that there has been a huge shift in the importance of indoor air quality. With the recent events, knowledge about improving indoor air quality has increased and the topic became hugely popular. Having a clean building with improved air flow and high quality air filters with a higher MERV rating is important for a clean and healthy feel. So, is your building healthy?

Improving Your HVAC System With Better Air Filters

Before the pandemic, air filters with lower MERV ratings, such as MERV 8 air filters, were commonly used because it was more cost effective and it was fine for filtering out dust and larger particles. However, they aren’t very effective in filtering out smaller particles. A good way to improve indoor air quality is by using air filters with higher MERV ratings, at least a MERV 13. You can even use HEPA filters, but that depends on your HVAC system. You would definitely have to check what your HVAC system can handle because using filters with a higher filtration efficiency will increase the load on your system. So check with your HVAC system specialists, like Advanced Filtration Concepts, to figure out what would be best to use in your HVAC.

Add Air Purifiers To Keep Your Air Healthy

If you can’t add higher efficiency rated filters to your HVAC just yet, a great way to improve indoor air quality is by using air purifiers. A good quality air purifier system can help increase your indoor air quality in smaller areas. Upgrading to HEPA filters can filter out finer particles that attach to droplets, helping to decrease the spread of viruses and bacteria. But, not all air purifiers are created equal. Be sure to do your research for which one will work best for the area you need it to cover.

Increase Air Flow & Air Exchange In Your Building

Increasing air flow and increasing air exchange can also help increase your indoor air quality. More recently, the introduction of outside air into your HVAC systems has been a more talked about solution to improving indoor air quality. Bringing in fresh outside air can help dilute your stagnant indoor air, thus giving you a cleaner feel. However, outdoor air isn’t always better. There are many factors that can affect outdoor air quality as well. Eg. wildfires, pollution, wastes, etc. These can all affect outdoor air quality, thus, affecting your indoor air quality as well. But, for the most part, outdoor air can help dilute the contaminated indoor air as learned during the COVID pandemic.

Increasing Indoor Air Quality In Your Building

Taking all these steps mentioned can greatly improve your indoor air quality. You want your building to feel fresh and clean for the people inside. Whether it’s an office building or a building full of living spaces, clean air is important for the people inside. If you need help improving your indoor air quality or if you want to upgrade your existing air filters, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. That’s what we’re here for.

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