Traveling After The Pandemic

Traveling After The Pandemic

Now that restrictions for travel are being lifted, people are wanting to put their fears aside and enjoy the outside world again. Traveling after the pandemic is on the rise. Bookings for hotels, AirBnB’s, and car rentals are filling up fast! But, is it really that safe to stay at some hotels? Even if they have taken steps to lower the risk of spreading Covid-19, have they taken into account mold and other pathogens? Make sure you look for signs that make your stay a little more covid safe. HVAC has never been more important and service records are something you should keep an eye out for.

If You’re A Hotel

If you’re a hotel, let your guests know that it is safe to stay with you. Have service records available showing the steps you’ve taken to stay sanitary. Having a indoor air quality monitor, like one from airthinx that AFC has available, may be a good choice to allow guests to understand that your air is clean. Servicing your HVAC systems should not be optional, especially if they’ve been shut down for a while. Replacing your filters often will help keep pathogens from floating around. Doing so along with coil cleaning and UV lighting can help take your indoor air quality a long way.

If You’re A Traveler

Covid 19 isn’t the only issue that can affect your health when traveling. Because of the shut down and limited occupancy, there may have been a lot of stagnant air causing dust and mold to develop. When staying in a room, check for service charts and look for an air quality monitor. If you feel like the air is musty, don’t be afraid to ask for another room! If you notice quite a bit of dust layering, ask for a room that has been cleaned. Better yet, maybe you can ask them to deep clean your room. You can ask about their cleaning policy ahead of time. Find out the steps they’ve taken to improve indoor air quality and the cleanliness of where you’re staying.

Traveling After The Pandemic

Although traveling again may be exciting, it can still be a health concern. We’re all ready to set our fears aside and visit the outside world once again, but with new warnings and health concerns arising, it’s important to proceed with caution and take the necessary steps to stay safe and healthy. The Resort at Pelican Hill received a UL certification. Could be a new standard for hotel health and safety? Would you feel more comfortable staying at a resort that has a UL certification for clean air? If you have any questions or interest in commercial air filters, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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