airthinx air quality monitor system

Is Your Air Clean?

You may believe that being indoor protects you from air pollution because you’re not being “exposed” to the elements outside. However, because inside space is mostly enclosed, it traps particles in, affecting your indoor air quality. In some occasions, outside air is needed to help dilute the contaminated air inside. This, coupled with a proper air filtration system, will help increase your indoor air quality. So now you may ask yourself, is your air clean? Is there a simple air quality monitor to use?

Why Dilute The Air?

Ever heard of the phrase “Fresh Air”? This is because outside air isn’t recirculated over and over. You get fresh, clean air over time. Nature acts as a filter for the air we breathe. Air filters, however, doesn’t capture everything. No matter how efficient your air filter is, your filtration system can only do so much. But, because of the novel coronavirus, a new thought has occurred. The thought of mixing in outside air with inside air is more heavily investigated. Some studies show that mixing in fresh, outdoor air with indoor air could help dilute the contamination, thus lowering the risk of spreading covid-19. While this may help reduce the spread of Covid-19, there are still other factors that can affect the air we breathe.

Not Only Covid-19

However, the novel coronavirus isn’t the only thing that can pollute your air. There are many factors to take when determining air quality. The amount of dust in the air, pollen, allergens, bacteria, formaldehyde, and much more could all affect the air quality index and affect your breathing. Health is important, so it’s important to know what’s in your air.

Airthinx Air Quality Monitoring System

If you need help monitoring your air, Advanced Filtration Concepts has teamed up with airthinx to offer their air quality monitoring system. This allows you to monitor your air quality in real time via app or console and allow you to take the necessary steps to improve air quality. The airthinx system has a sensor to measure particulates, VOC’s, CO2, CH2O, Temperature, Air Pressure, and Humidity. It sends the recorded information to a secure cloud storage. This allows you to view your data on your phone or computer. For more information on the airthinx monitor or where to purchase it, please contact Advanced Filtration Concepts.

Air Quality Monitor

Although, when dealing with Covid-19, ventilation systems are being rethought and rerouted to introduce more outside air in, there are so many factors that affect air quality. It’s important to use an air quality monitor to measure your air and take the necessary steps to improve IAQ. The air we breathe affects our health, it’s important to limit exposure to air that can make us sick. We offer a variety of filters and products in response to Covid-19. Please contact us anytime for any questions or concerns you may have.

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