2 UV light bulbs for benefits of uv lighting for hvac systems

UV Lighting In HVAC Systems

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been greater strides in achieving cleaner air. Clean air inside office buildings, workplaces, homes, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, apartment complexes, classrooms, airplanes, and more! There are new innovations for increasing indoor air quality (IAQ). This brings us to a common topic for achieving cleaner, healthier air; UV lighting systems in HVAC. Why? Well, let’s break it down.

Also, when talking about UV lighting, it’s not as simple as it sounds. There are many factors that need to be considered. What you’re using it for, what you need it to do for you, where to install it, what type of UV light you need, how many bulbs, how much radiation you need it to emit, etc. That being said, these are just some of the questions you need to answer for effective use of UV lighting.

Different Types of UV Lighting

There are different types of UV Lights and you need to know which would be most effective for your purpose. UVA light, UVB light and UVC light. UVC lighting is more commonly used for disinfecting. If you want more information, you can read about the different UV Lights from healthline. According to healthline, UVC light is most effective for killing germs. Hence, making it more widely used for disinfecting liquids, surfaces, and… what we’ll be focusing on… air!

Why UV Lights

Germs can be killed using UV lighting systems. Also, the installation of UV lights are generally cost effective and simple to add to your cleaning procedure. Many companies are devising solutions for disinfecting hospital rooms, air planes, and more! UV lights are also being used to sanitize tools and PPE. UVC light has been widely used for some time now and the technology is advancing faster than ever because of the novel coronavirus. However, UV lighting needs to make direct contact to the virus for it to be effective in disabling it. In addition, the length of the exposure time to effectively kill the coronavirus isn’t common number throughout UV lights. It varies on the equipment being used and where. The intensity of UV lighting used in hospitals vs UV lighting used in homes vary and are not the same.

UVC Light In HVAC Systems

UV lights destroy the molecular bonds that hold together the DNA of airborne pathogens, viruses and bacteria. UV-C energy alters the DNA of microorganisms, preventing them from reproducing. Therefore, it causes them to become non-pathogenic, or incapable of causing disease. Ultraviolet energy (ultraviolet germicidal irradiation or germicidal ultraviolet) are quite effective at maintaining cleanliness of HVAC coils, drain pans, and other wetted surfaces. Properly designed systems can be quite effective at on-the-fly inactivation of microorganisms in moving airstreams. Coupled with our top-quality, effective air filtration systems, you can rest assured that your building will be healthier and safer.

Advanced Filtration Concepts is one company making strides for the installation of UV lights in HVAC systems. They have an effective way of installing UV lighting systems to clean the airstream of your HVAC system. Contact AFC to learn more about adding UV lighting to your current air filtration system or if you want a new system installed.

UV Lighting Against Covid-19

There’s still a great unknown about the spread of diseases through aerosols, but using UV lighting in HVAC systems is a proven step to help increase our safety against viruses and bacteria. Although nothing is guaranteed, we can only continue to learn and make the necessary adjustments as we go. If you have any questions or want to inquire any of our high quality commercial air filters and industrial air filters, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Also, if you want to learn more about the steps we’ve taken in response to covid-19, please visit our site.

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