Wildfire Season: 3 Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality During Wildfires

Wildfire Season: 3 Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality During Wildfires

As we enter wildfire season, there are precautions that should be taken to help keep your air clean. Not only do wildfires destroy everything in their path, but their destruction can reach for miles and miles away. Air quality can be affected from the fires’ destruction. Thus, affecting your indoor air quality. Here, we discuss 3 ways to help improve your indoor air quality during wildfires.

Keep Contaminated Air From Coming In And Affecting Indoor Air Quality

Obviously, if you’re near any fires, you should evacuate or listen to what local enforcement recommends. But, if you’re a ways away from the fire, you should try to keep contaminated air from coming into your home. Although this may be an obvious first step, you should try to keep your windows and doors closed. Make sure the seals around your windows and doors are doing their job. We know fresh air is important, but it’s also important not to bring in contaminated air.

Replace Filters To Improve Indoor Air Quality During Wildfires

Replacing your filters is another important factor to help improve your indoor air quality. Replace your filters regularly and upgrade them with a higher MERV rating if you need to. However, using a filter with finer fibers may cause your system to use more energy. So, make sure you switch back to the filter rating recommended by your manufacturer after the wildfire season is over. Also, using an air purifier or air scrubber with an activated charcoal filter can help reduce odors and smells cause by wildfire smoke and help your home feel cleaner.

Don’t Create More Particles During Wildfires

Cooking, smoking, vacuuming, lighting candles, cleaning with chemicals, etc. These all create more particles that may contaminate your indoor air quality. This may be tough to not do, especially because cooking and cleaning is something most of us do daily. However, using gas, propane, and wood burning stoves can cause fine particles to contaminate your indoor air. Although, it may be hard to stop cooking, keeping frying or broiling to a minimum may help lower the contamination of your air.


Wildfires are terrible. They negatively affect the quality of our life. And even if we aren’t directly in the path of a fire, the contaminated air can affect areas around it for miles and miles. The devastation that wildfires cause are tragic and a major health concern. Improving indoor air quality during wildfires is important to our health. If you need help deciding what filters you may need or if you want to upgrade your filters, please, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Traveling After The Pandemic

Traveling After The Pandemic

Now that restrictions for travel are being lifted, people are wanting to put their fears aside and enjoy the outside world again. Traveling after the pandemic is on the rise. Bookings for hotels, AirBnB’s, and car rentals are filling up fast! But, is it really that safe to stay at some hotels? Even if they have taken steps to lower the risk of spreading Covid-19, have they taken into account mold and other pathogens? Make sure you look for signs that make your stay a little more covid safe. HVAC has never been more important and service records are something you should keep an eye out for.

If You’re A Hotel

If you’re a hotel, let your guests know that it is safe to stay with you. Have service records available showing the steps you’ve taken to stay sanitary. Having a indoor air quality monitor, like one from airthinx that AFC has available, may be a good choice to allow guests to understand that your air is clean. Servicing your HVAC systems should not be optional, especially if they’ve been shut down for a while. Replacing your filters often will help keep pathogens from floating around. Doing so along with coil cleaning and UV lighting can help take your indoor air quality a long way.

If You’re A Traveler

Covid 19 isn’t the only issue that can affect your health when traveling. Because of the shut down and limited occupancy, there may have been a lot of stagnant air causing dust and mold to develop. When staying in a room, check for service charts and look for an air quality monitor. If you feel like the air is musty, don’t be afraid to ask for another room! If you notice quite a bit of dust layering, ask for a room that has been cleaned. Better yet, maybe you can ask them to deep clean your room. You can ask about their cleaning policy ahead of time. Find out the steps they’ve taken to improve indoor air quality and the cleanliness of where you’re staying.

Traveling After The Pandemic

Although traveling again may be exciting, it can still be a health concern. We’re all ready to set our fears aside and visit the outside world once again, but with new warnings and health concerns arising, it’s important to proceed with caution and take the necessary steps to stay safe and healthy. The Resort at Pelican Hill received a UL certification. Could be a new standard for hotel health and safety? Would you feel more comfortable staying at a resort that has a UL certification for clean air? If you have any questions or interest in commercial air filters, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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GT Inlet Air Filters Drawing

Gas Turbine Air Inlet Refurbishment

It’s important to keep your gas turbine air inlet in tip top shape. It helps to prevent degradation of your filters and prevents further deterioration of your inlet. Investing in gas turbine air inlet refurbishment services increases the lifecycle of your inlet air intake. It will require less overall maintenance and increase the efficiencies of your cooling section.

Replacing Gas Turbine Inlet Air Filters

At Engineered Filtration Systems, we offer many solutions for gas turbine filter replacements. From pre-filters to final filters, as well as, evaporative media and drift eliminators. We are your go to filter company for Gas Turbine inlet air filters and gas turbine fluid filters. Having the correct filters in place is crucial for the efficiency of your gas turbine air inlet. Filters lose efficiency overtime and clogged filters can put a lot of strain on your machines. It’s important to replace your filters when needed to increase production.

Gas Turbine Air Inlet Refurbishment

Another step you can take to keep your GT air inlet running as efficient as possible is to look into refurbishment services. Advanced Filtration Concepts has a team that can offer full turnkey GT air inlet refurbishment services. They do a full removal of the pre-filter wall, all filters and other components. Then ice blast, recoat and re-install everything, including new filters. To learn about the whole process and everything they can offer, please contact AFC. From Air inlet to catalyst, the deep cleaning process can save you on costs and downtime.


Ongoing maintenance is important for any system. You need to have your machines working at all times and here’s no room for downtime. Keep your gas turbine air inlet clean and efficient by replacing your filters in a timely manner or when needed. Don’t let your GT inlets get to the point of needing to be replaced. For any questions, please contact us anytime.

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Clean work environment because of Commercial Air Filters by Engineered Filtration Systems

Commercial Air Filters

Commercial Air Filters. There isn’t really a general standard on how often air filters should be replaced per year, especially because it depends on the environment it’s in. However, it is good practice to have air filters inspected every 30 days. To determine if your air filters should be replaced, you compare the results to your industry standard. Some commercial air filters can last 30 days while other filters can last up to a year or more. It depends on the quality and location.

Why Commercial Air Filters

Indoor air quality has been more important than ever and the coronavirus outbreak has raised more awareness about upgrading your HVAC filtration system. Indoor pollutants are usually higher indoors than it is outdoors because pollutants get contained inside the building. It is important to have a good HVAC system in place to help get rid of these pollutants. Contaminated air has a direct effect on the building’s inhabitants. It can disrupt workflow, health, and costs. A commercial building needs proper airflow and a good filtration system in place to increase indoor air quality, increase production, and lower overall costs.

What Type of Commercial Air Filters?

There are many different types of air filters. The type of filters you need depends on your end goal. It also depends on your environment. Obviously, hospitals require intricate setups. Some as far as requiring UV lighting systems in their air stream. But with the coronavirus pandemic, don’t we all need more intricate HVAC systems? Commercial air filters come in many shapes and sizes as well as density and filter ratings. Vbank Air Filters, Pocket Air Filters, Gas Phase Carbon Air Filters, HEPA Air Filters, and more are all types of Commercial Air Filters EFS offers. They range from MERV 8 to MERV 16 efficiency. The higher the MERV rating, the more particles it can filter. However, choosing the highest MERV filter isn’t always efficient. It depends on your standards and the HVAC system you have. For expert advice on the type of filters that will work best for you, contact Advanced Filtration Concepts.

Work Environment

Clean air in the work environment is important to increase productivity, decrease illnesses, increase production, and decrease costs. Working in an environment that “feels clean” well make the workplace happier to be in, thus increasing productivity. Also, it reduces the spread of illnesses like Covid-19 and other viruses. Engineered Filtration Systems manufactures quality commercial air filters for all your commercial air filtration needs.

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Power Plant for Gas Turbine Inlet Air Filters and GT Oil Filters

Gas Turbine Filters

Why is it important to use quality filters replace your Gas Turbine Inlet air filters? And why you should get on a schedule to do so? Well, for a quick and simple answer, it’s to protect your equipment, extend the life of your equipment, and keep your equipment running smooth and efficient with little to no downtime. But the real question is, what type of filters to use? And why?

Gas Turbine Inlet Air Filters

There are different types of inlet air filters and what you should use depends on your location. Engineered Filtration Systems manufactures gas turbine filters, as well as, HEPA air filters to help filter particles and keep them from affecting your Gas Turbines. V-bank filters, rigid pocket filters, cartridge filters, composite filters, EVAP media, drift eliminators, pleats, and also, pre-filters are all different types of filters that may be needed to properly protect you Gas Turbines. Your plant could be located near high moisture environments or in the desert, therefore, the location takes a part in what type of filters you should use and how often you should replace them. However, air filters aren’t the only thing used to keep your equipment clean and running efficiently. Filters for cleaning out particles in lube or other liquids running through your system are required as well.

Hilco Filters

We know that contaminated air can affect gas turbines in a negative way. But, on top of needing clean air to help keep your equipment running efficient, the liquid running through the machines need to be clean as well. Lube oil conditioning is important for all moving parts in the system. There are filters for water removal, varnish removal, acid removal, and more. Lubrication for main bearings, fans, boiler feed pumps, EHC systems, compressors and more all need to be filtered. Hilco manufactures quality fluid filters that will help you meet your goals of keeping your equipment in tip top shape. Also, Advanced Filtration Concepts are the official distributors of HILCO Filter in California.

GT Filters

Having a proper changeout schedule from a company that takes turnkey services to the next level is key. You want to keep your business running smooth and efficient. So, AFC is here to offer full turnkey services for all your Gas Turbine filtration needs. But, if you’re looking for Gas Turbine inlet air filters, pre-filters, or HEPA filters, please contact us anytime. If your looking for a supplier that can offer quality services with quick lead times, Advanced Filtration Concepts is your team! Let us know if you have any questions or drop a comment below!

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2 UV light bulbs for benefits of uv lighting for hvac systems

UV Lighting In HVAC Systems

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been greater strides in achieving cleaner air. Clean air inside office buildings, workplaces, homes, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, apartment complexes, classrooms, airplanes, and more! There are new innovations for increasing indoor air quality (IAQ). This brings us to a common topic for achieving cleaner, healthier air; UV lighting systems in HVAC. Why? Well, let’s break it down.

Also, when talking about UV lighting, it’s not as simple as it sounds. There are many factors that need to be considered. What you’re using it for, what you need it to do for you, where to install it, what type of UV light you need, how many bulbs, how much radiation you need it to emit, etc. That being said, these are just some of the questions you need to answer for effective use of UV lighting.

Different Types of UV Lighting

There are different types of UV Lights and you need to know which would be most effective for your purpose. UVA light, UVB light and UVC light. UVC lighting is more commonly used for disinfecting. If you want more information, you can read about the different UV Lights from healthline. According to healthline, UVC light is most effective for killing germs. Hence, making it more widely used for disinfecting liquids, surfaces, and… what we’ll be focusing on… air!

Why UV Lights

Germs can be killed using UV lighting systems. Also, the installation of UV lights are generally cost effective and simple to add to your cleaning procedure. Many companies are devising solutions for disinfecting hospital rooms, air planes, and more! UV lights are also being used to sanitize tools and PPE. UVC light has been widely used for some time now and the technology is advancing faster than ever because of the novel coronavirus. However, UV lighting needs to make direct contact to the virus for it to be effective in disabling it. In addition, the length of the exposure time to effectively kill the coronavirus isn’t common number throughout UV lights. It varies on the equipment being used and where. The intensity of UV lighting used in hospitals vs UV lighting used in homes vary and are not the same.

UVC Light In HVAC Systems

UV lights destroy the molecular bonds that hold together the DNA of airborne pathogens, viruses and bacteria. UV-C energy alters the DNA of microorganisms, preventing them from reproducing. Therefore, it causes them to become non-pathogenic, or incapable of causing disease. Ultraviolet energy (ultraviolet germicidal irradiation or germicidal ultraviolet) are quite effective at maintaining cleanliness of HVAC coils, drain pans, and other wetted surfaces. Properly designed systems can be quite effective at on-the-fly inactivation of microorganisms in moving airstreams. Coupled with our top-quality, effective air filtration systems, you can rest assured that your building will be healthier and safer.

Advanced Filtration Concepts is one company making strides for the installation of UV lights in HVAC systems. They have an effective way of installing UV lighting systems to clean the airstream of your HVAC system. Contact AFC to learn more about adding UV lighting to your current air filtration system or if you want a new system installed.

UV Lighting Against Covid-19

There’s still a great unknown about the spread of diseases through aerosols, but using UV lighting in HVAC systems is a proven step to help increase our safety against viruses and bacteria. Although nothing is guaranteed, we can only continue to learn and make the necessary adjustments as we go. If you have any questions or want to inquire any of our high quality commercial air filters and industrial air filters, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Also, if you want to learn more about the steps we’ve taken in response to covid-19, please visit our site.

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airthinx air quality monitor system

Is Your Air Clean?

You may believe that being indoor protects you from air pollution because you’re not being “exposed” to the elements outside. However, because inside space is mostly enclosed, it traps particles in, affecting your indoor air quality. In some occasions, outside air is needed to help dilute the contaminated air inside. This, coupled with a proper air filtration system, will help increase your indoor air quality. So now you may ask yourself, is your air clean? Is there a simple air quality monitor to use?

Why Dilute The Air?

Ever heard of the phrase “Fresh Air”? This is because outside air isn’t recirculated over and over. You get fresh, clean air over time. Nature acts as a filter for the air we breathe. Air filters, however, doesn’t capture everything. No matter how efficient your air filter is, your filtration system can only do so much. But, because of the novel coronavirus, a new thought has occurred. The thought of mixing in outside air with inside air is more heavily investigated. Some studies show that mixing in fresh, outdoor air with indoor air could help dilute the contamination, thus lowering the risk of spreading covid-19. While this may help reduce the spread of Covid-19, there are still other factors that can affect the air we breathe.

Not Only Covid-19

However, the novel coronavirus isn’t the only thing that can pollute your air. There are many factors to take when determining air quality. The amount of dust in the air, pollen, allergens, bacteria, formaldehyde, and much more could all affect the air quality index and affect your breathing. Health is important, so it’s important to know what’s in your air.

Airthinx Air Quality Monitoring System

If you need help monitoring your air, Advanced Filtration Concepts has teamed up with airthinx to offer their air quality monitoring system. This allows you to monitor your air quality in real time via app or console and allow you to take the necessary steps to improve air quality. The airthinx system has a sensor to measure particulates, VOC’s, CO2, CH2O, Temperature, Air Pressure, and Humidity. It sends the recorded information to a secure cloud storage. This allows you to view your data on your phone or computer. For more information on the airthinx monitor or where to purchase it, please contact Advanced Filtration Concepts.

Air Quality Monitor

Although, when dealing with Covid-19, ventilation systems are being rethought and rerouted to introduce more outside air in, there are so many factors that affect air quality. It’s important to use an air quality monitor to measure your air and take the necessary steps to improve IAQ. The air we breathe affects our health, it’s important to limit exposure to air that can make us sick. We offer a variety of filters and products in response to Covid-19. Please contact us anytime for any questions or concerns you may have.

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plastic bottles from food deliveries showing rise in plastic waste

Air Pollution Causes Rise In Food Delivery and Plastic Waste

Air pollution, Food deliveries, and Plastic Waste. How are these three related? Studies show that air pollution is causing a rise in food delivery and plastic waste. Because of air pollution, people are ordering more food. Because they are ordering more takeout, plastic waste is rising. Let’s talk about why this is happening.

Why Food Deliveries?

Well, this part is easy to explain. People are ordering food because they don’t want to go outside. With talks about covid-19 spreading by aerosols and the fires contaminating the air we breath, people are taking precautions. One of these precautions include hiring food delivery services to bring groceries and takeout directly to their homes. This means they don’t have to expose themselves to the outdoors and risk breathing in contaminated air. It makes it very convenient for people to order food from the comfort of their own home. This makes them feel safe by reducing their exposure to the outside. Plus, they think they’re doing a good deed by helping slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Rise In Plastic Waste

While staying inside reducing one problem (reducing the spread of the corona virus), it causes a rise in a different issue, plastic waste. There’s no doubt that plastic waste is bad for nature. It doesn’t decompose and it’s literally everywhere you look. It makes a negative impact on everyone’s and everything’s environment. It’s littered all over the place. It ruins our lands and oceans. It releases toxins as they breakdown. And, it kills way too many animals. But, it’s convenient. It makes our lives easier. It’s cheap. It allows for many different things to be made, including the packaging we get our food delivered in. And, it’s easily available. These are the ingredients for more and more plastic waste. Obviously, there’s no quick and easy solution to stop plastic waste, but it is an issue that needs to be looked at.

The Link

So, how does plastic waste, food deliveries, and air pollution relate? Air pollution increases food delivery orders, thus increasing plastic waste. Because air pollution has been terrible lately and the coronavirus pandemic is requiring people to social distance, food delivery services has been on the rise. Therefore, making the link between air pollution and the rise in plastic waste. Even though restaurants have taken strides in reducing plastic waste by using more paper products, but because of air pollution and more food deliver services are being used, it makes it more difficult.

Inside Air

With all this talk about limiting outdoor exposure, it has to be known that inside air is just as important as outside air. Because inside air isn’t diluted like outside air, it is important to take the necessary steps in keeping your indoor air quality (IAQ) high. A good filtration system can help with that. Having an air purifier with a quality HEPA filter can help clean at an efficiency of 99% and filter out particulates as small as 0.3 microns. Cleaning air ducts and vents will help increase your IAQ, as well as, vacuuming occasionally. Using carbon filters in your filtration system will help reduce odors from cooking and smoke. There are many ways to increase indoor air quality and if you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Activated Charcoal for activated carbon air filters

Activated Carbon Air Filters

The recent Silverado Fire is lowering the air quality around surrounding cities. It’s obvious that what we breath in affects our health. Here at Engineered Filtration Systems, we manufacture a line of activated carbon air filters. Our filters are designed to effectively remove particulates, as well as, a wide range of odors, dust, and gases that contaminate indoor air quality.

Why Activated Carbon Air Filters?

The activated charcoal in carbon filters are used to trap gasses. This removes them from the air and increases the air quality. Although you need a quality air filter to remove dust, pollen and other small particles, the carbon filters help in removing the odors and other smells. The carbon air filters simply adsorbs the gases known as VOCs. These gases stick to the activated charcoal.

EFS Gas Phase Carbon Vbank Filter

Our GPC.V carbon filter is designed to filter particles while removing odors. Also maintaining efficiency at high airflow rates. Great to use for building using high end air conditioning and indoor climate control systems. We also have activated carbon air filter media available. This allows you to add the benefits of activated carbon to current air systems. We offer custom cutting as well.

Removing Odors

As of late, Air quality has been decreasing drastically and the winds aren’t helping make it any better. In fact, it’s been spreading the smoke throughout our air. Keeping our windows closed helps keep the smoke out. But, be sure to filter the inside air to improve IAQ. Using a carbon filter will help reduce the odors from smoke by trapping gases to the activated charcoal. However, because the VOCs attach to the outside of the activated charcoal, it may fill up quick. Be sure to replace your filters often to keep the performance at optimal levels. If you have any questions, need any help, or just want some recommendations, please, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Airflow Cycle for Covid-19 affecting building plans

How Covid-19 Is Affecting Building Plans

Covid-19 has definitely taken it’s toll on the economy. It has changed how people live their day to day lives. Covid-19 is affecting building plans as well. Real estate developers have to come up with new solutions to help combat the spread of the virus. The need to redesign the way new buildings flow is important for helping their clients and tenants feel more safe and comfortable. Adding individual HVAC systems in each unit and upgrading filters is just one of the steps developers are taking to future proof new properties. If you’re looking to upgrade your filters, we offer a full line of high-quality EFS filters. Contact us anytime.

Individual Air Units for Covid-19

The layout of air units are being reconfigured in a way that brings in more outside air into the mix. When adding outside air to inside air, it helps dilute the contaminated air inside. Doing this helps in lowering the risk of spreading the viruses that become airborne. Also, higher MERV rated filters are being used to filter outside air coming in. The same filter also filters the inside air that is being recirculated. This will help create an overall cleaner environment.

On top of introducing outside air and relocating air units in each room, the way the air is being routed is another factor that is being looked at. The most recent is routing the air flow in a way to have clean air come in at the highest point in the room. The inside air used to recirculate is taken in from the lowest part of the room because pollutants eventually makes it’s way down. The inside air is then routed through the same filtration process as the outside air. It mixes in with the outside air and released through the same vent as the outside air.

Building Plans Requiring More Space Because Of Covid-19

Another way how Covid-19 Is Affecting Building Plans is requiring developers to create more space. They are adding dividers where it’s necessary. Stairs and walkways are widening. Common rooms are more spaced out. Elevators are limited. Etc. These are just a few of different steps people are taking to create a safer environment. It all depends on the situation and what the space allows.

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